Monday, September 17, 2012

Aaannndd... Cue Pumpkin Spice!

 Okay, so even though the Pumpkin Spice Latte returned to Starbucks a few weeks ago, I've only recently tried it for the very first time... Ever! 

So the day went like this: I was hanging out with a good friend of mine on a rainy Friday afternoon. She shuddered and said, "I could really go for a Pumpkin Spice Latte right about now." I looked at her, confused. "What's that?" I questioned, stupidly. Her eyes widened and she asked, "You've NEVER tried it?!" half-hoping I was merely joking. I shook my head.

10 minutes later, the two of us were parading to Starbucks in the wet weather with but one umbrella. But the trudge was definitely worth it--my friend showed, nay, ENLIGHTENED me with a tall cup of the best coffee I have ever had the pleasure of savoring. This Pumpkin Spice Latte, with whipped cream and a warm, welcoming taste was the apogee of all hot beverages. Was that cinnamon I tasted? 

Alas! It was gone from me too soon--but, friends, do not despair! I secured myself another cup later that week... And this one... And will probably next week....

I can only hope that your friends have been as kind to you as mine have been to me. Good fortune presents itself when you've placed yourself among good-hearted brethren, with sane heads and great taste in coffee. ~~


PS Thanks for your patience with my sarcasm--I love the coffee, but I'm not about to write a serious sonnet about it. ;)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Coming Soon...

Hey all! Sorry I haven't really been posting--school is just REALLY keeping me busy. So I just wanted  to let you know that I'm just being studious, not dead. And I also wanted to give you a sneak preview of my next post--another Music Madness!

If you can guess which band this is (aka, let me know in the comments below), I'll give you a free pretend pat on the back! (Sorry, I'm not in the position to be hosting any giveaways yet--I am fairly new to the blogosphere after all. In time, in time)

Mystery Band:

Thanks for your patience (my 2 followers, you!) ;)


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Woah...Time Just Flew By!

Hey! Sorry I'm a little late in posting (and by a little late, I mean VERY VERY late), but I have a good excuse I swear! I was in Montréal, Canada for a week--and BOY do I have some pics to share with you. 

First off, a little Montréal background: since it is in the Canadian province of Québec, everybody there speaks french. And Montréal is like the Paris of North America: you've got your fine dining, crêpes, fashion, and innovative technology. There is also so much history to delve into, as well as beautiful architecture around the city. Honestly, if I could, I would move there (even if I have to resign myself to the fact that there is an abundance of maple syrup all over the place... Seriously, there is such a thing as too much of something good). 

I have to say, the Notre-Dame Basilica was by far the most beautiful building I have ever seen:

I really enjoyed sitting down in one of the pews and just contemplating life by way of deep thought.... It was so peaceful there! And the organist's performance was superb.

OOOO! And my favorite pic I was sooo lucky to capture was the fountain in the Vieux Montréal square:

That's a keeper! :)

Now, we stayed at the L Hotel, a place with great service, and VERY clean rooms.

Overall, the trip was FABULOUS.  I was in heaven over there--now I have my sights set on Paris....

Who's with me? Where would YOU go if you could? 

Don't hesitate to comment--I could use all the help I can get!

Merci Beaucoup!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Fight Fire with...Sunscreen?

With all this heat and sunlight (which is accompanied by vicious UV rays), you NEED to protect that beautiful skin of yours. So how do you do this "protection" thing, you ask? Simply follow the following (hehe) section from that big collection of skincare tips in my head: The Million "Derma"ndments. (not quite sure if there's exactly 1,000,000 of 'em, but you get the picture)

Here we go:
1. Wear actual sunscreen. Not that stupid tanning oil stuff (I don't care how pale you are on the scale of "CALIFORNIA BABY" to "Kristen Stewart"--none of that is worth getting cancer over). Make sure it's at least 30 SPF please!
2. Try to downplay the makeup a little bit. The more you wear while you sweat, the more your pores get clogged up. At the very least, make sure your eye makeup is waterproof--but try to stay away from foundations and the like (this is a good tip for sports players too).
3. Gotta love that exfoliator of yours--and you'll love it even more during the hot summer months. Once again, the more you sweat, the more your pores clog up, and the more pimples you get. Declog (not a word) your pores for a smooth, clean surface!
4. RETAIN THAT MOISTURE, GIRL. You lose water more during the dog days of that season that gets really hot ( ;} ), so give back to your skin. My fave facial moisturizer is Positively Radiant SPF 30 from Aveeno. I can't even explain how soft and greaseless my face feels after I use it.... 

 5. After a hard day's work, don't forget to remove all that makeup so it doesn't sit and clog your facial pores up. Leaving sunscreen on on your arms and legs and such isn't a good idea either.
6. Possibly the tip I recommend the most is this: STAY HYDRATED!!! Drink water--and lots of it! I have a water bottle that I refill 3 times a day. That's around 60 fl oz of water a day--and my skin shows it!  

I hope you can keep your healthy skin these last few days of summer--enjoy, and stay skin-savvy! :)


Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Berry, Berry Good Smoothie!!

Alrighty! It's August, the hottest month of the year (supposedly), and we all need some kind cold treat by the middle of the day--so why not try something that's healthy for you as well?! That's right: a 3-berry smoothie!

Let's do it!

Step 1: Pour 1 1/2 cups of milk in the blender cup.
Step 2: Add 1 cup of frozen something to the mix.
Step 3**if you added ice!**: Press "chop" until smooth.
Step 4: Add the strawberries.
Step 5: Press "frappé" until smooth.
Step 6: Throw in the rest of your berries!
Step 7: Press "frappé" until smooth.
Step 8: Enjoy! 

~~PS The measurements of berries in cups are based on the strawberries being cut up, and the raspberries and blueberries just being their normal, berry selves.

**Note, although the whipped cream is optional, I think it tastes better when you top a smoothie with some! (I have a bit of a sweet tooth--but I promise, it tastes good either way!!!)

Hope this cured your August-itis--more treats to come!!! 
