Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's H-H-HOT Out There!

Well, the dreaded month of August is finally here! :( But don't worry, these last 20 some-odd days before school starts up again are what you make of them: you can either look at this time as the "dog days of summer" or you can think to yourself "hey, let's all do one last week of crazy fun"--you know, end summer with a "bang" instead of a "yuck, how do I hold a pencil again?" So, in light of the inevitable, I've come up with a list of fun things you could *possibly* put on your summer bucket lists (because school is pretty much the equivalent of being dead for 9 months, right?).

We'll Miss You Summer--Good Ol' Friend, Until Next Year!! <3

Here ya go!:

  1. Dye your hair. (Just nothing too crazy... Like neon purple. Promise?)
  2. Throw a decades party!!! :) '60s Night could be loads of fun... Did I hear someone say "The Beatles"?
  3. Take up a new hobby--see how talented you can get by the time school starts. 
  4. Go parasailing with a group of your closest friends.
  5. While we are talking about water: jet skiing.
  6. Surfing (CALI HERE WE COME!)
  7. Scuba diving.
  8. Diving did you say? SKY DIVING!!
  9. Take a horse-riding lesson.
  10. Sneak into a movie.
  11. Mess with the clerks at a department store.
  12. Find a way to get kicked out of a Walmart (Check it)
  13. Do something weird: i.e. Go to Starbucks, order their frappuccino. When they ask for your name, say "Primrose Everdeen." When your "name" is called, shout "I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!"(Unoriginal as of late, but I'm sure you can come up with something just as entertaining)
  14. ROAD TRIP.
  15. Bungee Jumping!
  16. Be someone else for a day--Trump, Obama, Perry... Dumbledore? I don't know what your style is!.... ?
  17.  Wear something you'd normally never wear--and show it off! 
  18. Do ab-so-lute-ly nothing. Will you get another chance like that during the school year??
  19. Go on a date in a hot-air-balloon... Sigh, romance-y...
  20. Learn to ride a motorcycle! (preferably NOT by some shirtless werewolf in Forks....)
I hope you can draw some inspiration from this list and enjoy your last gasps of summer (I know I will)!!!! :)


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